1. Find out where your elected representative's local offices are.
The official webpage for your elected representative will list the address of every local office. You can find those webpages easily through a simple Google search
2. Plan a trip when the elected representative is there.
Most MoC district offices are open only during regular business hours, 9am-5pm. While MoC's spend a fair amount of time in Washington, they are often “in district” on Mondays and Fridays, and there are weeks designated for MoC's to work in district. The MoC is most likely to be at the “main” office — the office in the largest city in the district, and where the MoC’s district director works.
3. Prepare several questions ahead of time.
As with the town halls, you should prepare a list of questions ahead of time.
4. Politely, but firmly, ask to meet with the elected representative directly.
Staff will ask you to leave or at best “offer to take down your concerns.” Don’t settle for that. You want to speak with the representative directly. If they are not in, ask when they will next be in. If the staffer doesn’t know, tell them you will wait until they find out. Sit politely in the lobby.
5. Note that office sit-ins can backfire.
So be very thoughtful about the optics of your visit. This tactic works best when you are protesting an issue that directly affects you and/or members of your group. Being polite and respectful throughout is critical.
6. Meet with the staffer.
Even if you are able to get a one-off meeting with your elected representative, you are most often going to be meeting with their staff. In district, the best person to meet with is the district director, or the head of the local district office you’re visiting. There are real advantages to building a relationship with these staff. Follow these steps for a good staff meeting:
Have a specific “ask” — e.g., vote against X, cosponsor Y, publicly state Z, etc. Leave staff with a brief write-up of your issue, with your ask clearly stated.
Share a personal story of how you or someone in your group is personally impacted by the specific issue (health care, immigration, Medicare, etc.).
Be polite— yelling at the underpaid, overworked staffer won’t help your cause. Be persistent — get their business card and call/email them regularly.
7. Advertise what you’re doing.
Communicate on social media, and tell the local reporters you follow what is happening. Take and send pictures and videos with your group.
The official webpage for your elected representative will list the address of every local office. You can find those webpages easily through a simple Google search
2. Plan a trip when the elected representative is there.
Most MoC district offices are open only during regular business hours, 9am-5pm. While MoC's spend a fair amount of time in Washington, they are often “in district” on Mondays and Fridays, and there are weeks designated for MoC's to work in district. The MoC is most likely to be at the “main” office — the office in the largest city in the district, and where the MoC’s district director works.
3. Prepare several questions ahead of time.
As with the town halls, you should prepare a list of questions ahead of time.
4. Politely, but firmly, ask to meet with the elected representative directly.
Staff will ask you to leave or at best “offer to take down your concerns.” Don’t settle for that. You want to speak with the representative directly. If they are not in, ask when they will next be in. If the staffer doesn’t know, tell them you will wait until they find out. Sit politely in the lobby.
5. Note that office sit-ins can backfire.
So be very thoughtful about the optics of your visit. This tactic works best when you are protesting an issue that directly affects you and/or members of your group. Being polite and respectful throughout is critical.
6. Meet with the staffer.
Even if you are able to get a one-off meeting with your elected representative, you are most often going to be meeting with their staff. In district, the best person to meet with is the district director, or the head of the local district office you’re visiting. There are real advantages to building a relationship with these staff. Follow these steps for a good staff meeting:
Have a specific “ask” — e.g., vote against X, cosponsor Y, publicly state Z, etc. Leave staff with a brief write-up of your issue, with your ask clearly stated.
Share a personal story of how you or someone in your group is personally impacted by the specific issue (health care, immigration, Medicare, etc.).
Be polite— yelling at the underpaid, overworked staffer won’t help your cause. Be persistent — get their business card and call/email them regularly.
7. Advertise what you’re doing.
Communicate on social media, and tell the local reporters you follow what is happening. Take and send pictures and videos with your group.